Description of Action
Scope and objectives of the action:
Onshore power supply in the port of Aarhus
The main objective of the activity is provisioning of sustainable shore power in the port of Aarhus to enable vessels to cover their electricity demand by green electricity while being alongside berth instead of using on board engines running on fossil fuels.
Onshore power supply in the port of Copenhagen
The main objective of the activity is to establish onshore power supply t ROPax ships at Søndre Frihavn and to passenger ships at Oceankaj and Langelinie. The activity is divided into two sub-activities.
Onshore power supply in the port of Stockholm
The main objective of the activity is the provisioning of sustainable shore power to passenger ships in the Port of Stockholm to enable the vessels to switch-off their on-board engines running on fossil fuel.
Onshore power supply in Helsinki
The Port of Helsinki Ltd. plans the implementation of one OPS facility to supply the berth LHB, LHC, and LHD of the Hernesaari cruise quays.
Action management
This activity contains the controlling and management of the global project by forming a Project Steering Committee to overlook and coordinate the implementation of the activities.
Ex-post climate change impact assessment
The objective of this Activity is to analyze possible climate change impacts of the conducted OPS investments. The assessment will provide an ex-post update of the CBA estimations on the contribution of the Action to climate change targets and of the possible prior environmental assessment including air and noise emissions.
Consortium Members
Four Ports - Onshore Power in Baltic Seaports

Port of Aarhus

Port of Copenhagen

Ports of Stockholm

Port of Helsinki